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For compile from source code, you need Allegro and DUMB librarys, and a C compiler (like GNU GCC, DJGPP or Mingw32).


    A NEW  *FINAL* version of Kraptor is released.

This NEW (April 2004) version fixes some bugs of the previous final version.

After almost three long years of development, Kraptor is finished.
It has new levels, weapons and enemy ; also, the engine was polished and all bugs reported from previous releases were fixed.

I hope that you enjoy this game as much as I enjoyed doing it, and stay tuned for my future games.

Released April 14, 2004

Some other stuff that you must now before downloading:

NOTE: If you already have the January 2004 version, you can upgrade it to this new version using the patch  (unzip it over the old files).

First of all, you only need one of the files listed below ; they have everything, the levels, the source code, and the executable files for DOS and Windows. If you are using Windows, run the file kraptor_w32.exe, NOT kraptor.exe (kraptor.exe is a DOS only executable and will freeze on new computers).
Linux users need to compile the game from source code in order to play.

This is a installer ONLY for MS Windows (98, XP, etc)
It doesn't have source code.
It will install the game, and optionally uninstall it when you desire.
Is recommended for inexperiencied users only.

MD5 checksum: 9d71b7a9beef910db4928070d7f8d4aa
If you already have the January 2004 version, you can upgrade it to this new version using the patch  (unzip it over the old files).
Suggested only for experienced users.

MD5 checksum: d0982bbfa9b4ae5f8028e3f2dd848619
11M Portable source code, and binary release, with 10 levels, in TAR.BZ2 format.
For Windows, DOS, Linux, QNX, etc.

MD5 checksum: a1e2c695051b55eb0f641dd07ef95aee
Portable source code, and binary release, with 10 levels, in TAR.GZ format
For Windows, DOS, Linux, QNX, etc.

MD5 checksum: 2438a741796e369dcbc60da6e52c6452
11M Portable source code, and binary release, with 10 levels, in ZIP format.
For Windows, DOS, Linux, QNX, etc.

MD5 checksum: 9508a38918cde9cca7bb40ed03e8a620

    If you need other files (source code, older versions, etc) please click here to go to the download page

Today your love, tomorrow the world!